Ailie offers sophisticated commercial videos. We use the most current platforms to brand your business through movement and on-point content. Our videos are high enough quality for use for Television.
We also have drone photography for commercial use in advertising. Aerial photography is a given in commercial advertising right now. You want to stay ahead of the curve.
Our equipment has the best integration of Drone Technology, 4K Photography, and 4K Digital Videography.
With our team of Pilots, Editors, and Internet Marketing Specialists, we can take your shot, your vision, and integrate it all into a unique visual marketing plan.
What Makes Us Different:
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Successful Marketing Background
Licensed & Insured
We Include:
4K Digital Cameras
The Latest Drone Aircraft
Pre & Post Production Editing
Music or Audio Overlay/Editing
Conversion to Disc or USB
72-Hour turn around After Shooting & Editing
Ongoing Consultation and Collaboration with your current Marketing Program
“An Innovative Company With
A New Vision, Utilizing New Technology.”
- Joe Cain, Principle Drone Photographer
Please feel free to look at some of our videos by going straight to Youtube.